Seazen is currently hiring

Seazen is currently  hiring

 Seazen is currently #hiring 

Senior HR Officer

- visa 18 transferable

- Immediate joining

- HR Experience: 5 year +

Skill Required: 

- People Management

- Good Knowledge in Government related tasks.

 Senior Accounts Manager

- visa 18 transferable

- Immediate joining

- Accounting Experience: 6 year +

Interested candidates can send their updated cvs to

                                 For More jobs inside kuwait only join us free on whatsapp 

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و التليجرام Telegram

الملخص الاول لجميع الوظائف التى تم نشرها هذا الاسبوع  
 The first summary of all jobs posted this Week
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الملخص الثانى لجميع الوظائف
 The Second Summary 
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